Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Abandoned Blog

I've since moved from Austin and am attending grad school at UTA. I'll keep the blog just that others who are being stalked won't feel so alone.

What happened? Well, suffice it to say, I'm still being gang stalked but, oh well.

Come, Lord Jesus.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Bearing Fruit for Jesus

Occasionally - perhaps once or twice a year - a very bright ball of light will fly out of my heart and go up- presumably to Heaven. Perhaps this is fruit I've borne for Jesus? Like I'm a tree or something and when my fruit is ripe, the Lord takes it for Himself.

This happened recently - within the last few days. What is particularly odd is that some kind of hollow ball flew into my heart soon after the bright ball flew out of my heart.

For those who may not know, I occasionally see little balls of light or balls of darkness fly in and out of people. I regularly see little ghost like beings fly in and out of my belly.

Yes, I have seen balls of darkness fly out of my heart, too, so perhaps I'm jumping too quickly to a conclusion.

But when I was considering that perhaps that ball of light was some kind of fruit that I've borne for Jesus - as if all my suffering produces some kind of ball of light that is, say, joy, which the Lord takes for His own use, similar to when He was walking upon the Earth and came upon a fig tree and went to pick fruit.

When I thought of my function being similar to a tree, I was a bit upset - it seemed kind of demeaning, sort of sub-human. But then I realized that God's Son died for me, so then He must love me a whole bunch so God certainly wouldn't degrade me. What's more, what if that is what I'm to do - does not an apple tree produce fruit only to see if plucked off or fall from its limbs and enjoyed by others? Would it rather see its fruit wasted on the ground or be enjoyed by the Son of God?

Its an odd idea but Jesus is the Lord and we exist for His pleasure - not ours. We are His creation, not the other way around.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

its great!

i slept quite well last night though it felt as though they've added to their equipment a professional vibrator - there was a definite mechanistic rhythm to their shaking of the bed last night, much different than in the past. At times they would beat upon the floor while the machine vibrated the bed and the difference was noticeable.

I think it was last Monday that they pretty much kept me up most if not all of the night with their banging of the floor whilst I tried to sleep. However, when I did finally get off to school, I had lots of energy and stayed up the whole day fine. In fact, I recall dancing to my first class! I was in high spirits even though I'm being persecuted like this! Praise God!

I remember praying and praying about their persecuting me when it first began and I was told that the outcome would be worth it. Plus, on one occasion when I tried to physically stop them by trying to capture them on (digital) film and prayed to the Lord for help, my answer was a distinct "No."

A few days ago there was a new voice in the crawlspace. Nicki said to her, "When can I get out of here," to which the other female responded, "Soon, I promise."


Anyway, they're still at it while I write this. One of their methods is to say things in an almost inaudible manner - like whispering where I can tell someone is saying something but I can't figure out what it is. Then the whispering will stop and the guy will say in an sort of commanding way, "Up" or "Stop".

I mean this is simply amazing.

I hope to God that someone out there who might be going through a similar situation finds this blog. Just put your trust in the Lord and persevere through it! I mean I really am reaping one big, big reward in ways that are too difficult to describe but its like my brain and my body have improved a great deal! Its bizarre. I have new talents and stuff.

Just hang in there.

Friday, November 28, 2008

My Coordination Has Increased Greatly

One thing of note is that my coordination has increased greatly during these trials; I often feel something fly into the base of my spine while my stalkers harass me. I was worried about it at first, thinking it was demonic, but I'm really surprised how much my coordination has increased - such as catching something that was just dropped. I'm also able to spin around and keep my balance very well and I enjoy walking on curbs and turning on them - my balance is fantastic.

Anyway, I'm moving away from my current apartment soon so hopefully the stalkers in my crawlspace will kill themselves up there. I guess that sounds weird but think about it - they've spent TWO YEARS crawling around in that little area. I mean, that's nuts!!! What are they going to do when I go? Their harassment of me has pretty much become their lives.

Its good for them to die, too, since otherwise they may go after one of my younger brothers or sisters in Christ. Their satanic buddies should see this and be afraid.

They need to accept Christ Jesus or die - period.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Attack of the World

They're still at it though the leaser of the apartment my stalkers use to get in between the floors of my own apartment has ordered them out - to which the two main stalkers protest.

The guy of the pair up there whistles in a kind of a nondescript way. Then, when I'm in class, someone will whistle in a similar manner (though its not him). Likewise, when walking on campus I'll pass by someone that begins whistling in a similar manner when they see me.

The stalking group tells weird lies about me.

Its like I've prepared for this for years and years. I wonder what will become of it...

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

they're still at it

I went home for about a week between breaks in the semester. After I returned, it took about 24 hours for them to show up.

Its pretty obvious they've lost their little war. I think they're just continuing to do it to save face with their friends. So, I imagine they'll stay in the crawlspace until either I move out or the people whose apartment they use to enter into my crawlspace move out.

I've benefited a great deal from this experience. My advice to anyone else who finds them in some kind of weird situation like this: keep yourself focused and continue toward the goal. Remember, in Christ Jesus, we ALWAYS have enough energy/faith/perseverance - whatever - to make it through. And the more you rely upon Him and less upon yourself, the greater you'll become ("when I'm weak then I'm strong!" [paraphrase - Paul - Acts?]).

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Spoke to the Police

I went to McBride's and purchased a bayonet to shove through the ceiling on the first floor in the hopes that that will frighten them away. When I was walking to my car through the parking lot upon leaving the store, a police officer drove up and I told him what was going on. I stated "If ya'll aren't going to do anything about it, I will." I gave them a week to do something.