Sunday, March 2, 2008

On Mixings / Hot Cocoa and Cashews

The combination has to be right; it seems better if the two items do not have similar flavors else one will overpower the other. For instance, the Kit Kat and Vanilla Ice Cream; the ice cream was so sweet that it took over the entire taste so that the Kit Kat did not heighten the taste enjoyment - the ice cream had a different consistency in that it became a bit crunchy but that's about it.

Hot Cocoa and Cashews

Here's what I use:

The taste of chocolate in this cocoa mix is rather subdued - its good but not overbearing. The cashews go very well with it.

One thing I'd like to mention is how chocolate cookies don't go well with this cocoa mix for the above-mentioned reason - the chocolate in the cookies is way too strong for the cocoa mix and washes it out; one might as well eat the cookies alone or with milk.

Brownies with Marshmallow Topping

I did this a long time ago but wanted to document it since it was
so horrible. Here's what I did:

  1. Prepared a batch of brownies from mix as usual
  2. When the brownies had cooled a bit, I smothered t the brownies with a layer of mini marshmallows
  3. Placed smothered brownies under broiler until the marshmallows showed browned areas.

The marshmallows totally washed out the taste of the brownies - I could have just as well stuffed my mouth with marshmallows and it'd probably been better.

Krusteaz Chocolate Chip Waffles and Ice Cream

This one is a real winner. Ingredients:

Anyway, I mixed up the pancake mix as waffles (I halved the recipe on the back of the box), threw a batch into the waffle maker, and when it came out, placed a serving of Blue Bell Ice Cream on it (any flavor will work I imagine but I used Dutch Chocolate and Homemade Vanilla [separately]).

Surely this is delicious!! What is so neat is wrapping the ice cream with the waffle - its like a soft waffle cone. Really, really great.

Blue Bell Homemade Vanilla and Hershey Kit Kat

I didn't think that this was a very good combination because it seems like the Kit Kat's taste was washed out by the vanilla ice cream. Certainly the consistency of the ice cream changed - it became crunchy - but its like the combination just plain sounds fantastic but the actual combination just sort of fell flat on its face. Perhaps I should have used more Kit Kat? Here's what I used:
  • 2 Scoops Blue Bell Homemade Vanilla Ice Cream
  • 2 Kit Kat Individual bars (half of a standard package)
Here's what I did:
  • Using a cutting board, I cut the Kit Kat bars into little pieces using a butter knife (a particularly sharp knife was not needed)
  • Mixed up the scoops of ice cream with the pieces of Kit Kat ala Marble Slab Creamery
  • Placed above combination in a flat-bottomed wafer cone.
The whole thing didn't strike me as being particularly better than the vanilla ice cream or Kit Kat each alone so I guess that's the indicator that it didn't work out.

Reese's Peanut Butter Cups and Coffee

Well, those people are still at it but I want to talk about something else. Anyhoo, I enjoy mixing edible things together and sometimes the combination is just right... other times its just bleh. So here's a report on such a combination.

Reese's Peanut Butter Cups and Coffee

Delicious! Wow! What a taste!! Here's what I did:

  • 10 oz Coffee with
    • 1 tbs Coffee Mate Sugar Free Hazelnut Non-Dairy Creamer
    • 1 tbs Equal Spooonful! Artificial Sweetner
  • 1 1.5 oz Reese's Peanut Butter Cups (2 individual cups - standard package)