Saturday, June 7, 2008

Summer School

The girl from the adjacent apartment showed up in the crawlspace within an hour or so after I arrived back for Summer School and the two others, the girl (Nicki) and guy showed up within 12 hours. The whole thing is sort of like a joke now - they just do it because they'll look like fools to their Wicca friends if they give up, hence they must stay there until there is some kind of resolve, such as their being arrested, them killing themselves, them killing me, my moving, etc. Its actually quite funny since they're more or less forced to spend their lives in a dark, 1' high space - and they've been doing this for about a year and a half now. I think they want me to move so they can give up but I like my apartment and am planning on staying.

I also sometimes stick knitting needles up through small holes that are in the ceiling. That really freaked Nicki out the first day that I did it. I hope I really get them, though, but I mustn't make too many little holes. Anyway, if I do manage to get one, my plan is to embed it into their flesh and make them call the police to get them out of there - hence my story of being stalked shall be verified, they shall be arrested, etc. haha.

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