Sunday, February 3, 2008

at night

My stalkers are occultists and they're on some kind of control-trip as well as ego-trips. They consist of 3 principal persons, two female, one male. One of the females is named Nicki - I don't know her last name or if that is how she spells her name but I imagine her full name is Nicole. For the sake of this blog, I shall refer to the stalkers by handles, Ms. N (for Nicki), Ms. J (for the other, anonymous female stalker) and Mr. M.

I didn't consider their harassment really stalking until I moved into a different apartment September 2007. Before that it was just "stalkerish". Like I said, they have some kind of control trip which involves following me about the apartment and barking out orders, generally trivial ones.

I created this blog to keep track of their harassment as well as share what they do with others. Perhaps others will benefit.

As time has progressed, their harassment has lost more and more of an affect. It has certainly been disconcerting in the past (sometimes making me angry) but it is so common now I'm beginning to not take much of a notice at all.

A good example is last night. They often times will try and wake me up while I sleep and give a command such as "use the restroom". Sometimes when they wake me up I do need to use the restroom so I will. When I get there one of them will often say, "Who are you serving?" Anyway, I vaguely recall waking up briefly two times last night due to their harassment, one time around 3 am and another at 5 am. At 3 I heard Ms. J but at 5 I recall hearing Ms. N. She was saying something and Mr. M said something akin to, "roll over in your bed" - I was in the process of doing that anyway (as is often the case) and they probably could hear my mattress creak. I think Ms. N said, "Go to the restroom," but I didn't need to go and then I heard her begin whining, "Why doesn't he serve me?" (they normally refer to me with masculine pronouns) - I could hear her complaining about this to the others. I was very groggy at the time and easily slept back into sleep until my alarm went off at 8 am. Soon after my alarm went off, I heard Mr. M say, "Get up."

This sort of behavior from them has been going on for a long time. They try and anticipate my actions and bark out commands of what they believe those actions shall be, many times actions whose results will be audible to them in the adjacent apartment. Oftentimes they're wrong, but sometimes they're right and when they are they ask, "Who are you serving?"

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