Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Had a Great Semester

I made the honor roll this last semester which makes it two in a row - 3 A's and a B, and the B was in a super-tough (to me!) class, Algorithms.

Another Blogger Mentions Being Stalked by Cults

Another reports being stalked by cults.

Sunday, May 4, 2008


Nicki keeps saying, "Coffee."

Becoming More Aggressive

The harassment has become more aggressive lately. I heard Nicki say something about her about to run out of money so perhaps it has something to do with that. I'm also nearing graduation (I need to finish up two exams for this semester and complete one more course this summer) so that may be it as well.

"I Bought You"

Nicki says that a lot, "I bought you."

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Reading About Gang Stalking

Many if not most of the TIs or targeted individuals fail to recognize the satanic element behind the perpetrators' actions. If one just simply factors this into the equation, things make much more sense. The attack is not only physical but spiritual as well - which raises the complexity level quite a bit since spiritual beings affect us in ways we're either not used to or, for a little while, unaware of. I mean, a lot of the TI stuff is nothing more than paranoia. Sorry. I've been down that road before and while yes, those people are being attacked, they're being attacked in a spiritual way.

Based on the way the perps in my crawlspace act and from what I've overheard from them, the harassment methods they're using are known among their peers and have been tried upon others, and from the confidence they've expressed in their methods, it would seem as with some success. One thing that really strikes me as unusual as the level of pride they have - they are utterly enslaved to pride.

demonic element

It is important to recognize that there is a demonic element to the stalkers' behavior. Without realizing this, it would be easy to imagine a gigantic, ultra-sophisticated hidden network of spies and saboteurs spreading gossip, etc. On the other hand, the demonic realm is this - a large, sophisticated network of unseen entities - do go in and out of people regularly and exert from a small amount of persuasion to complete control over individuals the world over. Hence, to those unfamiliar with the spiritual realm and the influence it plays upon human events, it would appear that the perps have electronic equipment of harassment, a gigantic network, etc.

Regardless, the ones in my crawlspace are definitely involved in the occult and based upon their statements, reactions, etc. it seems safe to assume they are Wiccans - Nicki is a witch and likes to cast spells, utter curses etc. The male up there does this too. Its actually quite creepy.

But what is kind of funny is the fact that they're rather stupid - they're like these dumb people who have nothing better to do.

Anyway, I overheard Nicki say something about running out of money so perhaps this current chapter of my persecution is coming to an ending.

So, yes, this is gang stalking and while there is a lot of information on the net about it, it doesn't seem like its all that horrible - I mean, its bearable. What's more, I believe I've grown greatly as an individual as a result of it as well, so I'm glad I'm experiencing it though I kind of wonder what it's like to not experience it since its been happening for so long now. I imagine my ability to concentrate in adverse settings has grown exponentially!

"Making Us Look Like Fools"

I keep overhearing them say that (not today or just now, but repeatedly over the last few months at various places).


When I was looking at digital cameras while at at Sears, there were two young, white males that seemed very interested in what I was doing and seemed bothered by it. Regardless of that, the people in the crawlspace have expressed concern that I might take a picture of them. I wonder if they mean them specifically - that is, the three people in the crawlspace while they are up there - or if they mean they as in the group of people they are with that stalk me. Having and using a camera and/or camcorder seems to be a defense tactic successfully used by others.

The perps have also expressed quite a concern that I'm making them look like fools - not just the people in the crawlspace, but some of the people on campus as well.

The perps seem to mostly be young white people. The males tend to dress in a scruffy manner (t-shirts, jeans, goatees, etc), the girls involved aren't quite as aggressive but the ones involved seem to dress mainstream.

Overcoming Judgment

They're still at it but I have grown quite a bit.

There must be some kind of judgment involved in order to become angry - I need to judge "that's bad" or "that's a waste of time" etc. in order to become angry (I guess). So, if we overcome the judgment itself, or just simply stop judging, then we won't be so angry.

And Jesus said, For judgment I am come into this world, that they which see not might see, and that they which see might be made blind. (John 9:39 KJV)

So then, in time, we, believers in Christ Jesus, become blind to judgment and as a result the persecutors' acts will produce less and less judgment towards them from me, and as a result I'll become more and more unfazed by their behavior.

Its been happening for a good while now - they'd don't phase me too much - certainly not as much as they did and I believe this has a great deal with my becoming more and more blind to judgment.

I spoke to a police officer last Thursday and reported what they were doing. He said a detective might contact me but I'd be surprised if it goes that far. Its nice to have the persecution on record, however, so that if, say, they kill me at least they'll have a record of something odd happening leading up to the murder.

In gangstalking, there is a something referred to as "sensitizing" which is something the stalkers do to the victim to make him or her reactionary towards a societal act that is normally benign, such as a whistle, phrase, etc. For instance, the gangstalkers may repeatedly whistle in a certain way or say a certain phrase when near the victim, which, after awhile, may upset the victim or at a minimum alert him or her to their presence as if to say "you're being watched". Anyway, the male perpetrator up in the crawlspace has taken to whistling and speaking in a whistle-like-manner.

I certainly don't feel all that victimized. For instance, the perpetrators have on more than one occasion been in the same room with me and others in a class when taking a major exam for that specific
class. Since it is such a large class (over 70 or so earthly-students), they can get away with it. Anyway, the male perp or one of his friends was in the same hall during the CS 345 exam April
17, 2008, and he did his whistling/whispering thing. Regardless, I made the highest score in the entire class so this whole experience seems like its one that is hardening me towards
harassment as well as allowing me to examine the methods the perpetrators use to harass Christians and report their methods to others which I'm more than happy to do.