Saturday, May 3, 2008

Overcoming Judgment

They're still at it but I have grown quite a bit.

There must be some kind of judgment involved in order to become angry - I need to judge "that's bad" or "that's a waste of time" etc. in order to become angry (I guess). So, if we overcome the judgment itself, or just simply stop judging, then we won't be so angry.

And Jesus said, For judgment I am come into this world, that they which see not might see, and that they which see might be made blind. (John 9:39 KJV)

So then, in time, we, believers in Christ Jesus, become blind to judgment and as a result the persecutors' acts will produce less and less judgment towards them from me, and as a result I'll become more and more unfazed by their behavior.

Its been happening for a good while now - they'd don't phase me too much - certainly not as much as they did and I believe this has a great deal with my becoming more and more blind to judgment.

I spoke to a police officer last Thursday and reported what they were doing. He said a detective might contact me but I'd be surprised if it goes that far. Its nice to have the persecution on record, however, so that if, say, they kill me at least they'll have a record of something odd happening leading up to the murder.

In gangstalking, there is a something referred to as "sensitizing" which is something the stalkers do to the victim to make him or her reactionary towards a societal act that is normally benign, such as a whistle, phrase, etc. For instance, the gangstalkers may repeatedly whistle in a certain way or say a certain phrase when near the victim, which, after awhile, may upset the victim or at a minimum alert him or her to their presence as if to say "you're being watched". Anyway, the male perpetrator up in the crawlspace has taken to whistling and speaking in a whistle-like-manner.

I certainly don't feel all that victimized. For instance, the perpetrators have on more than one occasion been in the same room with me and others in a class when taking a major exam for that specific
class. Since it is such a large class (over 70 or so earthly-students), they can get away with it. Anyway, the male perp or one of his friends was in the same hall during the CS 345 exam April
17, 2008, and he did his whistling/whispering thing. Regardless, I made the highest score in the entire class so this whole experience seems like its one that is hardening me towards
harassment as well as allowing me to examine the methods the perpetrators use to harass Christians and report their methods to others which I'm more than happy to do.

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