Saturday, May 3, 2008

demonic element

It is important to recognize that there is a demonic element to the stalkers' behavior. Without realizing this, it would be easy to imagine a gigantic, ultra-sophisticated hidden network of spies and saboteurs spreading gossip, etc. On the other hand, the demonic realm is this - a large, sophisticated network of unseen entities - do go in and out of people regularly and exert from a small amount of persuasion to complete control over individuals the world over. Hence, to those unfamiliar with the spiritual realm and the influence it plays upon human events, it would appear that the perps have electronic equipment of harassment, a gigantic network, etc.

Regardless, the ones in my crawlspace are definitely involved in the occult and based upon their statements, reactions, etc. it seems safe to assume they are Wiccans - Nicki is a witch and likes to cast spells, utter curses etc. The male up there does this too. Its actually quite creepy.

But what is kind of funny is the fact that they're rather stupid - they're like these dumb people who have nothing better to do.

Anyway, I overheard Nicki say something about running out of money so perhaps this current chapter of my persecution is coming to an ending.

So, yes, this is gang stalking and while there is a lot of information on the net about it, it doesn't seem like its all that horrible - I mean, its bearable. What's more, I believe I've grown greatly as an individual as a result of it as well, so I'm glad I'm experiencing it though I kind of wonder what it's like to not experience it since its been happening for so long now. I imagine my ability to concentrate in adverse settings has grown exponentially!

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